
Use Twitter Analytics to know who is Reading your Tweets

Are you a Twitter user, then you probably want to know who are reading your tweets and all insights about your tweets. Twitter Analytics is part of twitter which helps to track your tweets and twitter profile. In previous, only verified accounts and celebrities are allowed to access the twitter analytics.  Mostly, celebrities and media profile use this type of tracking for reaching their followers and the reactions from them.



Recently, Twitter has made the twitter analytics as public so that every twitter user can use this features. Now on , you can track your tweets, fans, followers and other stats through this analytics. In the form of bar charts, you can see how many reads your tweets and how many clicked the links and so on. You can grab the data about the followers, gender, locations and interests.

For using this Twitter Analytics, your twitter account must be at least 2 weeks old. You can access your Twitter Analytics here at

Know more about the use of Twitter Analytics and the proper guide to use it in video.

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